It sometimes happens (as we have experienced ourselves recently - but thats another story) that one has to change hoster.
Bad services, server breakdown, no respons on mails, requests ignored etc. all legitimate reasons to change ones hoster. The story is bad enough as it happend so lets focus on what turned out to be a bummer for my client.
We moved the web site to the other account, notified the old hoster that it was moved and i thought that would be it. Almost a year later my client calls and tells me he got a bill from his old hoster for hosting his web site. Strange but okay can happen, what was more weird was the following fact (thats the way he told it to me - its a fact) that because there were two versions of his site, he got a penalty for
'duplicate content'. Even a translation as he said could trigger this.
As i asked him who had told him that nonsens he stated:
A very respectable SEO company (well uhm year right). They also told him that they had prove, which i asked for but never got, and it was a common mistake that people make, not deleting the web site on the old hoster that is.
- Client was hosted on a shared IP
- Hosting had been transfered
- DNS changed a year ago
- I have my site in 3 different languages and i know some one who has 10 translations, neither one of them were, or will ever be counted as duplicate

Even those facts could not convince him and he was sure his rankings dropped because of duplicate content.
I told him he'd better listen to some people that
realy know what they were talking about than to those that dont know the facts. Even if the web site was still there, the DNS had changed and the bot in no way could reach the old content as it was on a shared hosting. The conversation turned from worse to bad and i told him i would ask some people who would be the ones to know and let him know their answer.
Well, i mailed Matt and his answer:
People can link to content on an IP address, for example. It's rare, but does happen. Now for the IP address to be shared--that would be truly weird.
I mailed my client and thats it for me. If you dont want to listen to good advice, and trust every one that has an
opinion on SEO issues, well than neither i and no one else will be able to help you
Things to be learned from this:
- SEO can be confusing, you might not know who tells the truth and i know there is a lot of bs. spread by those that simply blabber on things they think they heard or think will work as a 100% fact. So stay safe and dont just believe all you hear. Check and double check

- Make sure you have the old site deleted, especially if you have had your own IP and transfer to another hoster and a new IP.
Ps. I called the old hoster and he teared up the bill