Being found
Search engine optimization
How to be found on the internet - Documentation
- Handleiding HTML TU Delft (Dutch)
Guidebook on design using HTML and CSS. A great reference-book. - Pagerank explained
Pagerank is a number that states the scoring of a page according to an important algorhythm by Google. (note: Google uses more than one algorhythm). This publication, in easy language, explains how pagerank works, partly based on the original publications by the founders of Google, partly on speculation and experience. - Pagerank explained 2 (German)
Überblick über das PageRank-Verfahren der Suchmaschine Google.
This publication states, in easy language, how pagerank works. - Search indexing robots and robots.txt (English)
Robots.txt. Of course, sometimes there are parts of your text that you don't want to see published in search engine indexes. The file Robots.txt can make sure that robots obey this rule and stay out of the stated parts of the text. But, it's absolutely no guarantee that that information will not appear in one of the search engines.
In newsgroups on Usenet, reachable via Google.groups or an e-mail client that can also read out newscasts, you can ask specific questions and/or read along. These groups attend to various matters concerning one specific subject. There are however, groups that will not appreciate questions that have no relation with the attended subject.
- Nieuwsgroep (English)
The purpose of this group is to discuss and debate all subjects related to search engines and the technology associated with them. This wide subject ranges from search engine optimization to "where is the submit button in AltaVista's new layout". - Nieuwsgroep Nl.Internet.Www.Ontwerp (Dutch) Here a lot of subjects concerning make-up, design and coding of pages on the internet are attended in Dutch!.
Validation - Tracing mistakes
Part of a solid web design is a valid page.
With both mentioned sites you can have your document checked for mistakes. You can do so by stating your URL, for example; or by stating a file on your computer.
- W3C validatie (English) HTML document validation.
- W3C Jigsaw (English) CSS document validation.
WebDesign according to standards:
- W3 Compliant Sites
Webdesign tools / programs
- HTML TIDY - Cleans up your Web pages (free)
- CSE HTML Validator - Checks HTML syntax errors
- TopStyle CSS editor Helps editing Cascading Style Sheets
- BK Colour Coder - HTML utility (free)
Being found on the internet - search engines
A short guide on how to optimize your website, make it more usable and being found in searchengines.
- Introduction on being found.
How to make websites usable, well structured and being found on the search engines? - Part 1. Being found - Structure and logic.
Adding structure and logic is one of the means to optimize your internet page. Your visitor will appreciate this and it adds to being found on the internet and by the search engines. - Part 2. Being found - The value of links.
Links to your website are very important to be found. The quantity and quality are a measure for the search engines to determine the importance of your website. - Part 3. Being found - mistakes
What to look for when you hire outside help for optimizing your website or if you intend to do so yourself? - HTML structure
Make sure your documents are well structured. - Being found - documentation
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