Saying goodbye to an old friend

Arkan - American white shepperd almost 10 years old

A few weeks ago we had to say goodbye to an old friend. He was 10 years old and we had been together all those years almost 24/7

At Hyves we met the breeder that told my sad little girl about The rainbow bridge ( Thanks Annemarie ;) )

It was in Dutch and i have placed it here in my best English. It was a comfort and the inspiration to write this little haiku about our White wolf running once more.

My best buddy has left me again

Jaro - American white shepperd 11 years old

After Arkan, it was difficult for us to make a decission on, should we get another dog, as Arkan left so much memories. Then we had to choose, another white one, the best dog i ever had, or would it be best to look for another breed.

As my little one was still little, i decided to go for another white shepperd. They are kind and good to kids.

The best choice i ever made. My little giant was the kindest dog i ever had. Good to all people, always friendly, a joy for the neigbourhood and the kids that walked along our garden hedge and gate. To see if he was outside. Always in for a hug.

He now joined his mates and is free of pain.

Fare well Jaro my friend.

He will get his own page and little poem when i am ready.

The rainbow bridge

There is a bridge between heaven and earth called the 'Rainbow bridge'. This bridge has all the colors of a rainbow.

On the other side of the bridge you will find green meadows and hills for our special friends to play and run on. There is no hunger or thurst and a warm friendly sun shines on it. All sick and weak annimals will be restored in strength and health, those injured or mutulated will be strong and happy as we remember them in our dreams.

The animals live happily together and there is just one thing they miss, they all miss a special friend left behind. They all play together untill there comes a day that one of them stops and stares into the far distance. Its eyes will glance, its body will shiver and all of a sudden it breaks out of the group and starts running over the fields, faster and faster until it looks he is flying.

You, have been noticed and finally meet again to never be apart again. The happy kisses rain upon your face, your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart. Then you pass the Rainbow Bridge together!

Author unknown

White wolf running (nov. 28-2009)

White wolf is running
rainbow above a green field
chasing butterfly